(Frequently Asked Questions)

Do you have questions about our products and services? Here is a list of some common questions to consider. If you still find yourself with questions, feel free to reach out to us via email: [email protected]

Why purchase the courses first?

Although it's not required, doing so will save you money and time. Purchasing our courses allows you the flexibility to go at your own pace, trying the techniques/strategies on your own first. They have downloadable attachments for you to use to help you better understand what you are learning. Upon purchasing the courses you will also have immediate access to them 24/7. In a traditional therapy session, you would have to pay each time you connect with a therapist and you may not be able to have access to those recordings/sessions for review later on. Consider these courses as mini-sessions with me that you can go back to as many times as you need to with no additional cost.

Plus, if you decide to connect with me later on, whether individually or in a group setting, your awareness of this information will help you bridge the gap faster and make your use of the meeting times with me more effective.

Do I have to meet with you before purchasing courses?

Of course not. Individual sessions with me are not mandatory nor required for purchasing courses. You can explore which courses to purchase on your own. Some people are able to navigate their healing journey on their own with minimal to no help. Others may need a little more support along the way and this support can be obtained through 1:1 meetings with me where I can provide more direct and specialized support or through the weekly Q&A Group Membership plans I offer. Some people choose to entertain a variety of products and services through multiple avenues, that may or may not include me. THAT'S OKAY too. Remember, YOU are the ultimate navigator of your life. The variety of products and services offered are meant to give you options so that YOU can decide what YOU are needing.

What if I can't decide between individual or group support?

That's okay. Some people may decide to do both at different times in their journey. For example, an individual session may be something to entertain at the beginning to get specialized direction or it can be something to entertain somewhere in the middle of your journey after attempting the courses on your own. Some people may just come back for extra help and clarification.

Weekly group sessions are my personal favorite because the membership plans are for an entire month! You will have weekly access to me to ask your questions and you can cancel the membership at any time!

*Monthly Membership Plans are $49.99/month (not including taxes/fees)

What can I expect from the individual sessions?

This will depend on which session option you choose because the time we have together would potentially guide what we do. However, you can expect flexibility from my part. Remember, this isn't a traditional therapy session.

Counseling (or traditional therapy) is often non-directive and more processing of the past in order to be able to move forward. Coaching focuses more on how to achieve identified steps for your future with some guidance. Consultation is more directive with suggestions and recommendations. For our services, all three will be entertained, to one degree or another, depending on whether or not we have met before. We can even incorporate non-traditional interventions such as the use of tarot, astrology, dream interpretation or other esoteric topics if it is aligned with you. However, please keep in mind that these are one-time sessions and YOU are the ultimate decision-maker as to what you are needing. Remember that the goal is for you to start trusting YOURSELF and YOUR PROCESS so this will be one of many decisions you will learn how to make: being able to identify what YOU are needing.

I noticed that when I try to purchase a Group Membership Option, I'm redirected to another website called Momence. Is that still you?

Yes. Momence is an affiliated platform that we use to host our weekly Q&A Group LIVE Zoom Meetings. With your purchase you will be asked to create an account to access the weekly links and any available recordings of our Q&A group meetings. You can even download the app on your phone for easier access where ever you go!

What is the Refund/Cancelation Policy?

The products and/or services that you purchase from our website, and our affiliated platforms, will have different refund/cancelation policies which you can find in our Service Agreement in the menu bar above. Purchasing any product and/or service will confirm that you have read, understood, and are in agreement with the details outlined in that document, as well as with our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.